Moonlight: Title Sequence

Moonlight is a coming of age film tracking Chiron, a young African American man, as he navigates identity, sexuality, and the challenges of growing up in Miami. In the closing scene, Chiron reunites with Kevin, his first love, after a decade. Kevin's support enables Chiron to drop his guard and share the profound impact on his life.


In this sequence, we witness Chiron’s journey as he evolves from emotional rigidity to embracing vulnerability and self acceptance, ultimately finding rebirth and clarity during his reunion with Kevin. 

Within this visual narrative, I want to use a close up of a chain as an important symbol of Chiron’s journey from toughness to vulnerability and self acceptance. His eventual transformation into a pool of liquid which forms the title; shows a flood of emotions unleashed through their reunion, symbolizing self understanding and rebirth.

Physical Process

The liquid metal effects were achieved by utilizing liquid gallium. To accomplish this, I melted the gallium at a low temperature of only 85 degrees and employed a syringe to displace and pick up the liquid metal.

The letters were crafted by piecing laser cut MDF pieces, which were then coated with silver metallic paint.

Arranged in a compact studio, I utilized tools like LED lights, reflectors, a Canon Rebel (equipped with a 100mm Macro Lens), and a tripod. I suspended a chain on a C Stand, employing a glue gun to create organic drips from the chain. After drying, the glue was painted with silver metallic paint.


Desolation: 3D Motion